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Department Of Civil Engineering

Water Resources Engineering Hydrology
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Equilibrium Equations
Mechanics of Materials ANALYSIS OF TRUSS
Design and Drawing of Steel Structures Introduction
FOUNDATION ENGINEERING Site Investigation and Selection of Foundation

Department of Master of Business Administration

Name of the Subject Video Link
Management Theory and Organizational Behavior Collective Bargaining
Management Theory and Organizational Behavior Functions of Management

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Name of the Subject Video Link
Finite Element Methods Shape Function For A Four Nodded Quadrilateral Elements
Jacobian Matrix For 2d And 4 Noded Quadrilateral Element
Basics of Mechanical Engineering Engineering Materials

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electro Magnetic Fields Electro Magnetic Fields - Coloumb's Law
Electro Magentic Fields- Types of Charges
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Kirchhoff's law

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

VLSI Design ASIC Deisgn from RTL to GDSII
FPGA Design(Basic Design, Altera Flex 8000)
Advanced Microwave Lab CST Microwave Studio
Microwave and Radar Engineering Microwave bands, Microwave Tubes
Microwave and Radar Engineering Wireless Energy
Signals And Systems Transformation Techniques

Department of Humanities and Basic Sciences

Engineering Physics Hall Effect
Engineering Physics Ferro Magnetism